





Sam Lanctin helps small/medium prof. regulatory bodies and assoc. in Canada and beyond (et en francais) build strong governance structures, processes and practices that support the fulfillment of organizational mandates, set clear expectations of/for board members and mgmt, and generally increase the efficiency and effectiveness around the board table. With 25 years of leadership experience in his arsenal, Sam also provides a variety of advisory services to prof. regulatory authorities and assoc. that span planning, strategy, board relations, policy devel., business processes, and leadership. Finally, understanding how steep the learning curve can be and how challenging leading a professional regulatory authority or association can be, Sam offers one-on-one coaching for Regulatory and Association Executives aimed at supporting them as they "navigate the gray". You can reach Sam at sam@samlanctin.com
Sam Lanctin helps small/medium prof. regulatory bodies and assoc. in Canada and beyond (et en francais) build strong governance structures, processes and practices that support the fulfillment of organizational mandates, set clear expectations of/for board members and mgmt, and generally increase the efficiency and effectiveness around the board table. With 25 years of leadership experience in his arsenal, Sam also provides a variety of advisory services to prof. regulatory authorities and assoc. that span planning, strategy, board relations, policy devel., business processes, and leadership. Finally, understanding how steep the learning curve can be and how challenging leading a professional regulatory authority or association can be, Sam offers one-on-one coaching for Regulatory and Association Executives aimed at supporting them as they "navigate the gray". You can reach Sam at sam@samlanctin.com
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Sam Lanctin  

Sam Lanctin Consultant




Dieppe, NB, CAN

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